Resources and Support

Additional Tools and Assistance

During and after your stay at our hospital, appropriate resources will be made available to provide care and support to you, your family members or caregivers; answer questions; and advance your recovery. Your rehabilitation physician, for instance, will visit you to attend to your medical conditions and address any concerns you may have, as will the other members of your clinical team. Your case manager will visit, coordinate your care, and provide a phone number to answer any of your questions. Additionally, our staff will arrange family or caregiver training as needed before you leave to go home.

In addition to hospital staff and its community support groups, you will find a number of online national resources that can be helpful with your recovery and answer any questions you might have after you leave the hospital.

These organizations include:

Texas Resources

Stroke Support Group and Partner Hospital Support Groups

Our Stroke Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Dining Room. For further information, please contact Kara Rockett at 972.708.8600, or email her at

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